Sustainable development


The preservation of our countryside.

The preservation of our countryside.

This has always been a priority at Château PENIN and for more than 30 years we have been taking actions in favour of the balance of ecosystems. The farm configuration is divided into two distinct but complementary environments: grassed /worked (farmed) areas and woodland areas.

Grassed and worked areas

Grassed and worked areas

A little less than 90% of the total area of ​​the estate. (Vines, headlands, inter-row, flowery fallows, meadows, paths and ditches)

Woodland areas

Woodland areas

A little more than 10% (Hedges, isolated trees, groves and woods) and an important carbon footprint offset. It is important to specify that the protection of our landscape heritage goes through an eco-responsible management and must imperatively take into account the viability of our operation.

Our requirements

Nous créons et entretenons des haies et des bosquets en lisière des parcelles de vignes, répartis sur l’ensemble de l’exploitation. Ces zones boisées jouent un rôle crucial en capturant les gaz à effet de serre grâce à la séquestration du CO2, contribuant ainsi à compenser notre empreinte carbone.

En outre, elles enrichissent la diversité et la complexité des paysages, tout en préservant une faune sauvage variée et abondante. Pour renforcer cet écosystème, nous installons des nichoirs pour mésanges, chauves-souris et insectes, augmentant ainsi la pression sur certains ravageurs.

Les chauves-souris, par exemple, se nourrissent de papillons de nuit, responsables des vers de la grappe, tandis que les mésanges peuvent consommer jusqu’à 8 000 chenilles pour nourrir leurs petits. De plus, le sous-bois, riche en matière organique provenant des feuilles mortes et du bois mort, aide à contrôler les bio-agresseurs de la vigne en créant des refuges pour les auxiliaires de culture tels que les coccinelles, les syrphes, les chrysopes et les carabes.

Maintaining a permanent plant *cover between rows in the vineyard is an ecological solution but also an economical one. This practice makes it possible to limit soil erosion, to regulate water infiltration, but also to reduce the vigour of the vines through a competitive effect.

The level of organic matter in the soil will naturally increase. It is an important food source that stimulates the development of soil microflora and fauna (earthworms). In addition, this plant cover creates biodiversity, (many insects feed on it).

We also cultivate areas of flowered fallow as a supplement.

* The principle is to keep grass cover on 1 out of 2 or 3 and to change it every year. The non-grassed rows are cultivated mechanically. This alternation makes it possible to naturally diversify the flora. All of our soils have complete plant cover during winter to protect them from rainfall induced soil erosion.

Manage a meadow for the spreading of wine effluents. This highly regulated practice is part of an individual spreading plan.

Les rejets vinicoles sont très riches en matière organique et sont bénéfiques pour la prairie.

In order to let the microorganisms, dissolve the intake, we observe a 4-week waiting period before resuming a pasture (We are graciously providing this meadow to a neighbour who has horses.)